Caucasian Population in USA Declines for the First Time in US History!

army judge

Super Moderator
Be careful, that name is very close to a verboten word that starts with the 14th letter of the alphabet. ;)
Do you mean the 13th? If so, are you suggesting there is a 13th in Dugger Town? Perhaps even a cover up by the Mayor and his Wife?????!!!! No!! They are a fine upstanding Christian family, so they couldn't do something so vile!! :eek:

Do you mean the 13th? If so, are you suggesting there is a 13th in Dugger Town? Perhaps even a cover up by the Mayor and his Wife?????!!!! No!! They are a fine upstanding Christian family, so they couldn't do something so vile!! :eek:


The Duggers were a band of reality TV grifters.

I suspect the male Dugger with a proclivity to diddle kiddies isn't the only Dugger with a history of criminal acts.

The 13th letter gives us Mugger.

I have no issue using that word to describe the criminal actions of the Dugger Clan.
The Duggers were a band of reality TV grifters.

I suspect the male Dugger with a proclivity to diddle kiddies isn't the only Dugger with a history of criminal acts.

The 13th letter gives us Mugger.

I have no issue using that word to describe the criminal actions of the Dugger Clan.
What was the 14th you were referring to?

The 13th I was referring to was "Molester". or we could go with the 16th and say "Pervert".

My sister was slightly obsessed with the Dugger show. She would give me "updates" on what was going on. I told her to stop discussing it with me. The way the girls were treated, to me, was abusive. I was totally unsurprised when the incestuous molestation was announced on the news.
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That family, as are most reality show critters, should have never been allowed to leave the forest.
We shouldn't punish the Forest...poor thing has enough problems now-a-days protecting itself from gender revealing parents and PG&E. I say we make the reality show worms stay under their rocks.
Something seems odd.

Nothing odd. All the around the world you see a similar pattern: populations that become prosperous with access to good health care and that live in areas that tend to be more expensive to live are having far fewer children than they did in decades past when they weren't so prosperous. When you no longer need to have a large number of children to be sure you'll have some kids to care for you in old age and when you have costs to raise those kids become quite high the incentives are against having large families. Since people do not (yet) live forever, for a population to grow without immigrants, you need to have a sufficient birth rate to provide enough children to replace those that die. That's not happening in America today. You see the same thing happening in countries in Western Europe, you see it in Japan, and now in China, too.

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