Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught for $2, Ban and Civil Demand

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New Member
Hey, I'm 14 and I was caught shoplifting at a Store Name in Canada.I got 2 boxes of Pocky ($2) and walked out when the security guy got me and brought me up to his room. Police and parents were called.
I'm banned from the mall that I stole from for a year, was fined $65 from the police.
Mail from the store came back with a civil demand of $500. Me and my dad aren't willing to pay.
Then, court mail, saying my trial is May 31.
I don't really know if my dad has an Attourney or not and I'm looking for info/advice that'll help me.
Biggest mistake of my life. -sigh-
By not paying your parents (since you are a minor) risk seeing fine triple or more. There is also the risk of a law suit that you cannot win. When that happens expect to pay thousands not hundreds
Thanks you very much. I'll be telling that to my dad the information. And when I go to court, do I risk having a criminal record? If so, should I ask for a diversion program?
And triple sounds.. scary. ._.
Do not confuse the court fines with civil demand they are sperate issues. Yes talk to your attorney about Diversion to protect your record
Since you're a minor, your parents are responable for the civil demand. If they refuse to pay the $500 the store will sue them, add court costs and lawyer fees, could be $1500+
Thanks for the replies guys.
A couple more questions. :p

I'm going to court, what should I usually do?

Should I just stand there saying yes/no, sir when needed?

One more thing... should I ask the judge directly for a diversion program?
I'm going to court, what should I usually do?
Whatever your Attorney tells you

Should I just stand there saying yes/no, sir when needed?
You only say what your Attorney tellls you to say not a word more

One more thing... should I ask the judge directly for a diversion program?
No have your Attorney talk to DA about this
Thanks alot.
It seems the officer that charged me gave me the biggest break in my life.
He didn't show up for court.

So, all I did was state my name and walk away...
It was weird.

But I definitely learned not to do it again. Thanks alot, I'm gonna post in to Testimonials.
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