Parole, Probation Caught Misdameaner Case While On Felony Probation

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Hello. I could really use some advice on my legal situation. I am currently on felony probation for False Imprisonment. I basically pulled a BB gun on a couple people who were inside of my house when i witnessed them stealing money from me. Long story short, they called the police and exclaimed that i threatened them with a gun and knife. I did 40 days county time and they also gave me 3 years of probation. Ive been on probation for 2 years , made all my payments and visits. i recently I got caught and arrested for stealing two Iphone's out of a purse inside of a nightclub. They charged me with a couple counts of misdameaner Petty Theft. This is my first violation. But in reality, im not even sure they violated me yet. The Petty theft case is in beverly hills and my first charge is all the way in LAX. I was wondering what my consequences might be? its in two different jurisdictions? I have court for the Petty theft case alone soon but i havent gotten a call from my probation officer or anything.
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The two will catch up to each other. When you make your appearance in court they will likely be fully aware of your probation status if they aren't already. Just show up when ordered to, lawyer up, and go through the motions. It's up to them to put the pieces together. You don't have to help.

As for the consequences it is anyone's guess. For the theft alone you would not be looking at doing any time, but coupled with your probation violation it could be possible. Then again, California is broke and we are trying harder to get people out of jail than to put them in... so even though there will be some kind of consequences the odds are probably against jail time so long as you don't commit a violent crime.
Thanks man. I have a lawyer, and a bunch of AA cards filled out. Also a letter from a therapist. I hope it will all turn out well. It just sucks because i was about to get off probation any minute. Now i have to start this lame process all over again.
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