Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught shoplifting at Walmart, first offense, is representing myself a good idea?


New Member
I was at Walmart with a "friend" and we were caught shoplifting. About $87 worth of stupid nonsense. We were arrested and it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I've never been in trouble before and don't plan on it happening EVER again. My announcement of attorney was today and i can't afford one, so I asked to represent myself. During my arraignment,(the day i was bonded out) the judge said if you can pay your bail, you can afford a lawyer... i didn't hear anything about public defenders so i hoped i could just plead and face whatever consequences i brought on myself. Id rather admit to being caught red handed As opposed to fighting tooth and nail with a lawyer i can't afford . My bail was $1500 and the $150 premium is paid in full. I also got a civil demand letter from an attorney representing Wal-Mart and they're requesting $100 in the next 20 days or so. My question is, no merchandise was removed from the store and no merchandise was damaged. I had the money to pay for it but i guess the laws have changed so i was screwed because of my stupid mistake. The civil demand states that it is separate from any criminal proceedings that may have arisen from the incident and "is not an attempt to collect a debt." I have no clue what that means and have seen mixed reviews how to handle these letters. Am i only being charged by the state of Oklahoma's for "larceny of merchandise from a retailer- a misdemeanor." (So would that be petty larceny??) Or am i ALSO being charged by Walmart to pay a civil demand of $100? I thought that was only if the merchandise was damaged? Forgive my ignorance, i have no clue about any of this and am terrified. I want to ask for a deferred sentence so it's off my record, I'm beyond ready for this to be over.
Last thing- in my court minute, it says "All fines, court costs, assessment fees and restitution will be due and payable in FULL at the time of the sentencing."
I have no idea what my fines and court fees and restitution is!! I thought i found that out at sentencing?? I know so many who pay monthly court costs, etc., so should i just go up to the court house and see what all i owe?
Thank you for any advice it's greatly appreciated.
Don't diaper the baby before she's been born.

Slow down.

View these websites for more info:

Oklahoma Shoplifting Laws -

Are Alternative Programs Available For First Time Offenders In Oklahoma?

Shoplifting In Oklahoma

You plead not guilty, admit to nothing, and use the time to discuss DIVERSIONARY programs like these with the prosecutor:

Retailers seek law change

Oklahoma Court Accepted Domestic Violence, Anger Management,Shoplifting, Divorce Parenting, Behavior Modification and DEJ Courses

Restorative justice or extortion? Shoplifting consequences at Walmart

Legal advice on Shoplifting in Oklahoma – Page 1 - Avvo

Diversion Programs Offer Alternative to Prison

Okay, if you do get convicted and must pay fines/costs, you can arrange payment terms with the court.

Don't stress over this, use it as a lesson never to do stupid stuff as long as you breath.

Civil demands, pffft, many opinions.

You can search this site for some discussions about civil demands, no need to start those again.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Civil demand is up to you I advise you pay to avoid consequences. Others disagree. Below is some info along with the above you can then make a decision.
Don't diaper the baby before she's been born.

Slow down.

View these websites for more info:

Oklahoma Shoplifting Laws -

Are Alternative Programs Available For First Time Offenders In Oklahoma?

Shoplifting In Oklahoma

You plead not guilty, admit to nothing, and use the time to discuss DIVERSIONARY programs like these with the prosecutor:

Retailers seek law change

Oklahoma Court Accepted Domestic Violence, Anger Management,Shoplifting, Divorce Parenting, Behavior Modification and DEJ Courses

Restorative justice or extortion? Shoplifting consequences at Walmart

Legal advice on Shoplifting in Oklahoma – Page 1 - Avvo

Diversion Programs Offer Alternative to Prison

Okay, if you do get convicted and must pay fines/costs, you can arrange payment terms with the court.

Don't stress over this, use it as a lesson never to do stupid stuff as long as you breath.

Civil demands, pffft, many opinions.

You can search this site for some discussions about civil demands, no need to start those again.

I can't tell you how much i appreciate you. I was given some poor advice. My court minute says i have to have a lawyer and it's passed my announcement of attorney. The court clerk said, no big deal, you can represent yourself but that paper says otherwise. Wish me luck y'all, NEVER AGAIN.
The worst thing you could do to yourself is plead guilty and accept what comes. There are better options for you. You might still be able to request an appointed attorney that costs you nothing. That attorney can help direct you toward those better options that wrong even leave you with a criminal record.

Do not continue to represent yourself.

As for the civil demand it is completely separate from the court. It is not a debt or a fine. You are not required to pay it unless the court orders you to do so.

Wait until you have legal counsel to decide what to do with that. Don't be in a rush to pay anything. Their 20 day deadline means nothing. They are just trying to motivate you to pay them.
I can't tell you how much i appreciate you. I was given some poor advice. My court minute says i have to have a lawyer and it's passed my announcement of attorney. The court clerk said, no big deal, you can represent yourself but that paper says otherwise. Wish me luck y'all, NEVER AGAIN.
Contact the court clerk and ask about how to request appointed counsel. If all else fails, next time you appear in court just keep saying "I don't understand" and ask again for appointed counsel.

If you don't qualify for appointed counsel then at least visit an attorney for advice how to proceed.
I can't tell you how much i appreciate you. I was given some poor advice. My court minute says i have to have a lawyer and it's passed my announcement of attorney. The court clerk said, no big deal, you can represent yourself but that paper says otherwise. Wish me luck y'all, NEVER AGAIN.

honestly I would not trust ANY advice you receive from this community. Not even what I am telling you now.

I can however tell you my opinion of everything and how it relates to issues I have personally been through years ago. Just my opinion... remember the end it is your life and your freedom that could potentially be at stake here. So act accordingly.

My first thoughts are with the judge. It sounds as if he looks down on petty theft crimes for some preconceived reason. The fact that he did not offer you to have a public defender is outrageous. Especially if you are unemployed? Anyways, it sounds like the judge has a preconceived bias towards you and is going to most likely continue that bias at the next appearance and so on. If I was in that situation I would tell the judge the first instant he made so much as a comment that I deemed to show that he was going to act partially and unfairly (biased) towards me that if he is unwilling to act fair and impartial then he needs to recuse himself from the bench. If he is unwilling to do that then move to get a continuance so you can file for him to be disqualified. At that point you will be assigned a new judge (one who will make sure to do everything fairly and most definitely appoint you to a public defender. Oh and also I would file a judicial conduct complaint on the current judge this second because he has already acted biased and denied you assistance of council. Something you have every right to no matter what state you are in. If you need help with any of what I just explained I have video of myself doing that to a judge as well as all the paper work you can use as samples to help you create the correct documents... let me know.

Next, the demand from Walmart. Years ago I was arrested for exactly the same thing. It was my first time being arrested, first they charged my with commercial burglary, once I appeared in court it was knocked down to petty theft with 3 years of informal probation and if I got caught stealing again it would become A felony. I stole a cartridge of printer ink, I think the total value was like $32.00.

Anyways I received the same letter from Walmart. In my instance they were demanding $500. My attorney told me and my family to throw it in the trash because they always send that letter out but for them to actually take the matters to court, it would end up costing more for them to do that then if you paid. So they send those out hoping people will just get scared and pay. I never did and nothing ever came about from it. That guy who left the comment recommending to pay it, just look at what he does for a living and you will see why he recommends to pay it....
He is lost prevention as his career so of course he is going to hype up paying the fine.

Last but not least, the court will put you on a payment plan if you can't pay everything up front.

If I were you my number one goal would be to get this judge removed and a new one, willing to act unbiased and fair (hopefully) will take his place.

Take care and no more stealing

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