Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Shoplifting

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New Member
I'm 18 years old and was caught shoplifting $44 worth of goods, I was not arrested and was only given a citation. What should I plead? Guilty or No contest? I cannot afford a lawyer.
If i plead no contest will the judge view the video tape infron of the whole court, or will he just fine me?
This happened in TX.
Your best option is to start calling Lawyers as many offer free consultations. Get as many as you can. Ask them about Diversion as possible option.
No sir, I connot afford one. can you please answer my previous question?
Thank you for your time!
Your answer is still not that simple. Not affording an Attorney does not prevent you from consulting several (most offer free consultations) or from asking for Public defender in court. However to best answer your question my advice (not to be considred legal advice) is to either plead not guilty or not enter plea then ask for Public defender. Once you meet with Public defender ask him/her if diversion is available in your case
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