hi i got caught 3 weeks ago for stealing from Walmart and there was no cops involved i know what i did was stupid choice but i learned from my mistakes to not steal again i got a citation from walmart assist protection they told me to sign papers and they gave me a court date for petit laurceny its my first time i ever done this and inever had anything like this on my record please help will i get a fine? or a get out of jail card for first time i took guest passes from the game diablo 3 which cost 2 or 3$ i had 3 i did not have cd for the game or anything please help me what will happen when i go to court
I don't know if you are a minor or someone older. However, you might want to get a lawyer even for the small cost amount of what you took. Since you don't have a prior record, you might get community service, possible fine ......
im 18 and i cant afford one im looking for a job and im trying my best to not get into trouble i know what i did was stupid i just want to know whats the best casanario
im 18 and i cant afford one im looking for a job and im trying my best to not get into trouble i know what i did was stupid i just want to know whats the best casanario
Plead not guilty, make no admissions, or say nothing about your charges.
Ask for the court to appoint a lawyer for you, as you appear indigent.
The lawyer (public defender) will advise.
Only discuss the case with your lawyer.
Ask your lawyer about diversionary programs.
Until you get a lawyer appointed by the court, you must shut up about this and wait.
I deal with these issues every day its not the end of the world. You may not be able to afford and Attorney but you can afford a free consultation! Get several! Ask about ACD or Diversion as plea option. If your county has such a program you can protect your record and get this behind you with minimal fines, community service, possible classes and short probation term. It was also unwise to name store on public forum