Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Caught Stealing from Work


New Member
I'm 18 and I am currently being charged with Organized fraud under $20,000 and Petit theft for taking $300 from my register at walmart, they caught it on camera. I have no prior convictions, no criminal record. What will most likely happen to me and what should I do next?
What will most likely happen to me and what should I do next?

You should appear in court when and where directed, plead NOT guilty, make no comments about the case, ask if you qualify for a public defender, and talk ONLY to your lawyer.

You'll be acquitted or convicted.

The more you blab about this, the more you increase your chances to be convicted.
You need to contact a criminal defense attorney who you can discuss all the details with. You really should not discuss the details with ANYONE else.
If all you did was swipe a few hundred bucks, and it was only once, and you have no criminal history, then you can expect fines and probation as a result.
There is something wrong with the world when stealing a few hundred bucks is considered "if all you did was..."

Naturally you understand that you will be fired, that you will not be eligible for unemployment, that Walmart is free to tell the truth about why you no longer work for them, and that you will never again get a job where you handle money or credit cards.
I'm 18 and I am currently being charged with Organized fraud under $20,000 and Petit theft for taking $300 from my register at walmart, they caught it on camera.

Maybe Florida has a lower threshold.

I think there MIGHT be more than one offense being charged here.

Organized Fraud under $20K & Petty Theft for under $300

OP might have been implicated with a ring of thieves......
There is something wrong with the world when stealing a few hundred bucks is considered "if all you did was..." the context of "being charged with Organized fraud under $20,000," the comment makes sense. There's a big difference between an employee stealing $x from the cash register and the employee committing a crime which, if proven, potentially results in multiple decades in prison.

If there's actually any merit to the organized fraud charge, then there's a lot more to this story than the OP has shared with us, and the OP should, indeed, keep his/her mouth shut except with his/her attorney.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. do as instructed say NOTHING in fact remove store name from this post! Plead NOT guilty and request a Public defender or hire a lawyer. I agree it appears there is additional charges. they may feel you are part of a group that is doing this. This "might" work to your advantage. If you ar first one caught you might be able to cut a deal if you give them info on others if this is case. However talk to an Attorney FIRST!

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