Caught stealing

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New Member
My friends brother works was caught stealing from his store for a a 200 dollar item. He said they have him on camera with the item but he was working during that time, but he went to the bathroom with it and don't have proof that he actually took it but he came out the bathroom with out it. What could happen, and what can should I tell him to do
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All he can is remain silent, plead not guilty if arrested and ask the judge to appoint him an attorney.
How likely is it for him to get arrested or for (store) to do something about it
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Also; if he is terminated (fired) for suspected theft, this would not be illegal. An employer is not a court of law - they do not need proof to fire someone for suspected theft.
How likely is it for him to get arrested or for (store) to do something about it

No one can predict the future. That said, if he's arrested, admit to nothing, ask for a lawyer, stay out of trouble, do as his lawyer instructs, wait.

Those strategies usually work.

The best thing is never, ever, ever STEAL or break any law.

Behaving yourself is the best way to NEVER EVER end up in these tough situations.
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First off it was a mistake naming store. Second (as stated) he can be terminated for theft or suspected theft. Last based on your post they have enough to file criminal complaint. I have worked in retail theft field a long time and arresting people based on info you provided happens all the time.
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