

New Member
I have been working at Walmart for over a year as an overnight associate. Never got in trouble,never received any coachings or verbal warnings for anything. About a month ago after finishing my shift I clocked out and headed towards grocery side doors I cut thru self check out for a shortcut as I was passing thru self check out I repeatedly kept hearing one of the machines say "please take your change" ask I looked around I saw no one the self check out area was clear nobody insight except 1 cashier which looked at me smiled and said to have a good night and kept walking .I heard the machine say it again, as I look around, I saw to my left it was a twenty dollar bill, I looked around again to see if anybody was looking for sum dropped change or if anybody that it could have belong to, nobody insight so I picked up the money and continued exiting the door. Thinking nothing else about it a month later I clocked in at 10pm and started my task everybody was extra friendly(not normal) because usually most of the managers or those who hold a title are very rude and nonchalant. One even called me by my nickname(which she never do) well after starting my work an assistant manager came up to me ask me will i come help her with something, told her sure we walked to back of store having a casual convo(which never happens) we ended up at the ad office she opened door then walked off I went in and was greeted by a guy(which I never seen) but was very polite and the AP for our store,she never said not one word the whole time(which isn't out of the ordinary because she's always rude and never speaks or smiles). Well the guy continued to talk with me causally about nothing really he even commented on my name and said that he really liked it. Ask me my hobbies and where else have I worked then he told me a little about his self after that he flipped script and started talking bout money and "what if this" and "what if that" kinda situations. Then he replied u can leave whenever you are ready that kinda threw me off so I look at him sideways unsure of what was going on. He then said do u know why your here I said no he pulled out a envelope and said do you remember one day leaving out the store through self check out then it hit me he was talking about the twenty dollar bill I find that day. I told him yea I remember he asked me to tell what happen,i did,then he thank me for my honesty ask me have it ever happen before told him no. Then he had me write a statement of what happen, which I did,after I wrote the statement he handed it to the AP lady she wrote something then he stood up left out the room the assistant manager came back in sat down hit my leg and shook her head like she was upset or something.(kind of in disappointment) I told her I didn't do anything wrong. She got on the computer ask me to log in which then I thought I was just getting coached(written up). Then the guy came back in stood behind me and said make sure you bring the twenty dollars back because they don't want to press charges I replied OK no problem then he said and oh yea we are going to have to terminate you so turn in yo vest,badge,and discount card. My question is did they go about firing me the right way even though I have never been in trouble and I only found the money and didn't steal or take it from anyone? And I also paid the money back shouldn't it just been a coaching or write up.also need to know if it will be a problem trying to receive unemployment. To me it's like walking outside and finding some money on the ground,nobody I know run around screaming and yelling and questioning if anybody dropped some money. I did look on more then one occasion to see if it was anybody close or just left self check-out but no one was in sight. Need some answers please and thank you.
There is more than one right (and wrong) way to fire someone. If you are asking whether they did anything illegal or if any legally protected rights were violated, the answer is no, they did not and were not. It may or may not have been "fair", but fairness is not a factor in legality.

Whether or not it "should" have been a coaching or a write up is irrelevant. It was legal for them to fire you.
You took money that did not belong to you and got caught. It is completely legal to fire you for this. They don't have to wait until you take money that isn't yours a second time.
Your employer did not do anything illegal. You can be terminated at any time for anything in at-will employment except for a reason prohibited by law (example religion, race gender......) or unless you have a binding employment contract to the contrary. There was not anything illegal in the way they fired you.

You can file for unemployment ins. (the state will decide if you qualify) & look for other employment.

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