Cease and Desist question...need help!

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New Member
I have a question.

Recently online i was on the webpage "myspace" and i had a video clip of a bear break dancing (sounds crazy but please bear with me, no pun intended)

I attained the bear dancing through another site and tagged it into my picture file on my myspace.

another member informed me that i did not have permission to potray the video, declaring that it was his.

I removed the item in question after he issued me a Cease and Desist (he issued it, not his lawyer)

I dont care about the bear, i just want to know that since i removed the item can he still potentially take any action against me? Or am i safe since i removed this item? I am just a little paranoid about the whole issue, im only 19 and i dont have a very good grasp on the copyright laws. Thankyou!
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