Ceiling Collapse

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New Member
I was just wondering if there is any legal action I should take regarding the now 3 foot wide hole in my ceiling due to a water leak. I first reported the small fixable gash on Thurs Dec 31st telling the ladies in the office that it looks like a section in my ceiling will collapse soon and they told me that there's nothing that can be done until the roofs are dry (it had been 2 days since it last rained). So I went and ran errands and when I came back a couple hours later the area was falling even more & the paint was starting to rip so I went back down to the office to tell them how bad it was & they said they would sed someone up to look at it.. I had to go to work but it was obvious no one ever showed up when I got home later that night. The next day it looked horrendous but it was New Years day so of course no one was working. When I returned home from work last night (Jan 1st) a good 3 foot chunk of wood was on my floor and had taken half the paint off my ceiling from the weight of it ripping. Luckily the water was still being held up there by the brown paper stuff (no clue what it's called) but it is ripping and damp and will surely collapse soon. A maintenance guy finally came over this morning and was shocked at how big it was but just cleaned up my floor and covered it and the hole in plastic and they would be out Monday to fix it. My worry is that I have a 4 year old little girl and I'm worried about the health risks (if any) from being exposed to the open ceiling and what is up there. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Neither your nor your daughter face health risks from this issue. Why would you believe you need to take legal action? Now, if management does not address the issue next week that might be a different matter.

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