Approximately sixteen months ago, I broke up with my girlfriend of three years. Prior to us breaking up, we had a couples cell phone plan. All contractual obligations were between her and the cell phone company, but at the time we agreed to pay our separate portions of the bill - even though, at no time did my name ever show up on a bill or a contract.
In the final three months leading up to the break up, we missed three payments. And, when we did break up, we talked briefly about the cell phone bill and she said, roughly, that she would handle it ($800 bill).
Flash forward to present day. My ex-girlfriend is being evicted from her current place, and having a whole plethora of financial issues. To my surprise, I receive an e-mail demanding payment for this cell phone bill. This is the first time in sixteen months that I have heard about it. I'm assuming she's trying to bleed money out from whatever source she can right now.
I calmly explained to her in an e-mail that I found this unreasonable given that she said she would handle it, that the issue was between her and the cell phone company, and that I refuse to pay.
She is now threatening small claims action. If it does come to that, what can I reasonably expect based on my story? Will I be expected to pay interest accumulated after the break up? Does her verbal agreement with me hold?
In the final three months leading up to the break up, we missed three payments. And, when we did break up, we talked briefly about the cell phone bill and she said, roughly, that she would handle it ($800 bill).
Flash forward to present day. My ex-girlfriend is being evicted from her current place, and having a whole plethora of financial issues. To my surprise, I receive an e-mail demanding payment for this cell phone bill. This is the first time in sixteen months that I have heard about it. I'm assuming she's trying to bleed money out from whatever source she can right now.
I calmly explained to her in an e-mail that I found this unreasonable given that she said she would handle it, that the issue was between her and the cell phone company, and that I refuse to pay.
She is now threatening small claims action. If it does come to that, what can I reasonably expect based on my story? Will I be expected to pay interest accumulated after the break up? Does her verbal agreement with me hold?