cellphone collection nightmare

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I had an account with team mobile. In two month my bill was over 400.00 dollars. I put the bill in dispute and was trying to work with team mobile on their billing practices. I had one contract for two phones. Come to find out they were billing me double when I would call my husband or he would call me ( this was a few years ago when they did not have free calls between phones). They would never work with me on the charges and would not explain their contract. I did not take them to court. I put all my bills including this one with cccs. I paid the bill which was approx 500.00 over three years. A collection agent called me approx march of last year wanting to collect, I faxed the proof I paid and they said everthing was fine and never called again. Now another collection agent called and the bill has double to almost 1000.00 and they see where I paid the 500.00 but that I owe disconnect fee's etc. I said I want a bill showing this and they said they do not have to provide one, they do not have to get one from team mobile and that I will not be offered a settlement and that I should feel lucky that I do not have legal fees on this. I told them I would put it in dispute and they said I still had no rights over this collection and I owe it pure and simple. The long and short of it, it turned into a shouting match when I told him
I did not care that he thinks I don't have any rights that I will dispute this. Now where do I go? This guy got me very upset over this. He was very ugly. Can I rightfully record calls in the future and can they refuse to be recorded and not talk to me? sorry so long
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