My 71 year old mother signed a contract with a local cemetary 6 years ago which was to guarantee a plot with a stone, along with an urn for her ashes. The monies were paid in full. The other day she had a knock on the door from the new owners of the cemetary. They told my mother that she owes them two (or three) thousand dollars. My mother explained she was already paid in full and has a sales contract. They then told her that the cost for hole digging went up an additional $400 and that the law now requires urns to be encased in a vault, which she must pay for. If she doesn't pay, she will lose her plot. They told her the sales contract only applied to the previous owners. She does not know what to do. She did contact a local funeral home to verify this new vault law. The funeral home told her that it was not an IL state or local law to encase urns in a vault, but that it was probably just the policy of that particular cemetary. Can anyone set us straight here? Are vaults now required by law in this locale?