Certificate of Rehabilitation



Hi, my name is SummerLee A. Johnson. I'm trying to get a Certificate of Rehabilitation; but I'm sooo confused as to where to start and what to do. Can you please be of some support to me?
Thank you for your time. :)

--Summer J.--
SummerLee, let's start by defining what a COR means in CA.

A Certificate of Rehabilitation ("COR") is a California court-order declaring that a person previously convicted of a felony (or misdemeanor sex offense) is now rehabilitated. The purpose of the COR is to restore civil and political rights of citizenship to ex-felons who have proved their rehabilitation.

Your state courts in CA have created an instructional pamphlet and website that explain just he you go about APPLYING for a COR, and the rules that apply. The site also includes a packet and application that you must complete and send to the applicable court.




Who is eligible to apply for a COR:

1. You have been convicted of a felony and sentenced to the California state prison or to county jail under California's realignment program, have been released from custody, California probation, or California parole and have since remained free of incarceration, present proof that you were a California resident for a minimum of five years immediately prior to filing for your Certificate (or three years if you were placed on parole), and present proof of a satisfactory period of rehabilitation which begins from the day you were released from custody (unless you were released from custody or placed on parole prior to May 13, 1943, in which case, you must only present proof that you were a California resident for three years immediately prior to your filing).


You were convicted of a felony for which you received felony probation or a misdemeanor sex offense listed in California Penal Code 290 PC and had that conviction expunged pursuant to Penal Code 1203.4 PC California's expungement law, have since been released from custody on probation (and have since remained free from incarceration during your probationary period), are not CURRENTLY on probation for the commission of any other felony, present proof of a minimum five-year California residency immediately prior to filing for your Certificate, and present proof of a satisfactory period of rehabilitation.

This website explains it further, and offers to assist you in the process. You can read for free, but be advised these are CA lawyers that eventually charge you to apply in your behalf. I'm not recommending them, or anyone, as there are dozens of other such sites:

How to apply for a "Certificate of Rehabilitation" in California



One final comment, SummerLee, don't be discouraged if the petition is denied.

In fact, while you're waiting, you can investigate relocating to other states.
Not every state in our country will hold your criminal conviction against you.
For instance, Texas, California, Alabama, Alaska, and many others restore your voting rights upon completion of your sentence.

Of course, convicted felons are denied gun ownership all across the country.
But, many states, yours included, restore your franchise rights.
Unfortunately, our country can do more to encourage people in your position.
Hang on, that could change soon, especially in seeking employment and schooling.