Assault & Battery Chances of going to court?

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I am trying to prosecute somebody for statutory rape, indecent assault and rape. I was with him for 7 months and we split, just before the hospital confirmed I had an early miscarriage. I've done my bit - the interview, the medical examination, my witness statements, and now his interview isn't until next month, in which he has a solicitor present with him.

We went to talk to my stepdad's cousin who is a barrister to guide us about what would happen next. She said, basically it's his word against mine, and it depends on who the prosecution service choose to believe, unless he admits it straight away, through questioning. She said if it gets to court, I'll be made to feel so small, and have no confidence left because they'll break and break me down during my questioning to defend him which has made me shit scared of going to court now, and I'm only 15.

He's previously lost a child to abortion in another relationship as well. I've tried to paint him in the worst possible light during my questioning.

Does anybody who's come across this crime before tell me the chances it will get to court and something will come out of it?
I remember your case. I'm glad you went through with having it prosecuted. I wish I could you help you more than wishing you the best of luck. As I'm in the US, I have no real knowledge of what happens in the Irish courtroom.
Yeah, I guess I won't really know until he gets questioned what way it's going to go.. so, but I really don't know even what to expect.

I'll end up crying in court if they all make me out to be a slut or something :(
Well, from what I remember of the case, it took great strength for you to move it along.

I don't think they're going to make you out to be a "slut" in that this is a stat rape case, and such things, are not only wrong and defamatory, they don't matter. If they are going to attack you, it will be if you are lying or not. Character assasination is a last gasp on their part.

Again, Good Luck. Please keep us informed. I was wondering what happened to your case.
the raped when you are 15? how old was him? usually the juror side with a female unless he has a good lawyer. yea put the rapist in jail and let bubba raped him back. =)
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