Change To My Offer Letter +1yr Later


New Member
So I relocated from California to Texas for a job with my company. My company is a New York Corp and headquartered in NJ. The fact that I agreed to the job in CA may make a difference or not.

Anyway, part of the "At Will" offer letter is that I will receive $50K in relocation expenses but if I left of my own volition within 24 months I'd have to pay it back. So my first question is that is this truly an at will kind of arrangement for the first two years?

Next - what has brought this all on is that upon incentive payment time this year, the company is saying they messed up on the amount of stock I'm supposed to be paid. I actually knew exactly how much the stock value was and just thought they valued me and as part of the negotiation I was told that while I didn't get the title I wanted but they could take care of me in compensation.

Truth is, it's a lot of money and I never expected to get that every single year but looked at it as a maximum amount should something special happen. That opportunity, however, was one of the reason I accepted the position - it was an exciting opportunity. However, what they are saying the true number really is, well, it's very disappointing.

I've told the that it's not nothing to me and I won't simply just agree to change it without some other consideration. Basically what I thought I was bargaining for had significant value and what they are telling me they meant to give me has very little to no value. I think there is a chance it could get interesting and wondering what legal legs I can stand on should they say you'll take what we give you and like it.

By the way, the difference in value is hundreds of thousands of dollars. I've already had HR and my immediate boss say "we'd hate to lose" you over this!!!!
So my first question is that is this truly an at will kind of arrangement for the first two years?

No, that arrangement is part of a contract.
It is based on contract law.

If things are as you recited, you received $50K to assist with relocation.
If you leave the employ of the company at anytime within a 24 month period, you are required to repay the employer $50K.

I think there is a chance it could get interesting and wondering what legal legs I can stand on should they say you'll take what we give you and like it.

I don't see any position for you to avoid OWING the $50K unless you remain employed for 24 months and 1 day.

As far as stock options, you might wish to look up stock options.

If you think its worth HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of US DOLLARS, hire yourself a lawyer to litigate the matter.

There is nothing anyone can tell you here, that is worth more than the keystrokes it took to type the words you're reading.

Frankly, if I were you, I'd let this go.

But, hey, I'm not you.
So my first question is that is this truly an at will kind of arrangement for the first two years?

It's employment at will in that you can quit any time and they can fire you any time.

However, the part that says you get $50,000 in moving costs subject to staying for two years is an enforceable part of the contract.

I was told

The most dangerous words in the English language.

it was an exciting opportunity

Like any exciting opportunity, there is a chance that it doesn't bear fruit.

wondering what legal legs I can stand on should they say you'll take what we give you and like it.

Probably none because bonuses in any shape or form are always at the discretion of the employer.

By the way, the difference in value is hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For that kind of money you should be consulting an attorney and reviewing your options.

I've already had HR and my immediate boss say "we'd hate to lose" you over this!!!!

Do I really have to translate that for you? :rolleyes:

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