My father owns a condo in Boca Raton FLA, he wants to remove my Sister as the JOWRTS and add myself and my brother. He only owns 50% of the condo. He shares it with his lady friend who has her daughter as the JOWRTS.
So...the condo is jointly owned by four people:
1. Your father
2. Your sister
3. Your father's girlfriend
4. Your father's girlfriend's daughter
Please explain what the acronym "JOWRTS" means. I've never seen that acronym. It's similar to "JTWRS," which means joint tenancy with the right of survivorship, and I assume the "O" stands for ownership, but I googled and got no results other than this thread.
If the above is correct, then your father has no way to "remove [your] sister" from title unless she is willing to sign a deed giving up her ownership interest.
my sister wants off the condo.
OK...she is free to deed her ownership interest to whomever she wants.
My dad will be 90 and if something happens to him she cant afford the HOA & fees, etc. So we only need her to sign it over via a quick claim deed?
I assume you mean when (not if) he dies. In any event, it's a quitclaim deed, not "quick claim."
The other parties do not need to sign off?
Correct. However, why do you and your brother - residents of Michigan and Texas - want to own a condo in Florida with your father and his girlfriend and her daughter? Keep in mind that the condo board by-laws may impose limitations on title transfers. Also, if a joint tenancy exists, the transfer of your sister's interest might destroy the joint tenancy if the others don't sign off.