How long after your layoff did the company file for Chapter 11?
If it were me, and this is only what I might do so decide for yourself, I would send the CEO a certified return receipt letter, as well as human resources, confirming your conversations with him and the refusal to pay monies owed and earned as an employee which are long overdue, and the complete avoidance of payment for unexplained and unsatisfactory reasons. I would pose the question as to whether any salaries have been paid since the date you have ceased to receive payment and, if they were, why there was such preferential treatment given to those employees. I'd demand immediate payment within 10 days or have no other choice but to pursue this matter legally against all involved as well as potentially discussing the matter with the press. Frequently this will avoid your having to take legal action since they realize that you will not let an abuse just go away and will stand up for your rights. If this happened to a number of people you may want to take it to a class action attorney and can provide you with a number of firms upon request....
It may take an unsatsifactory amount of time with the legal process. It may also yield an unsatisfactory result. This may get what is wanted without the pain and wait time.