charged assult when casll 911 myself ...

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at the end off feb me and my bf broke up for a bit after living together for a year one night he piced me up after work from the bus station during snow storm to give me back keys to my place since he had them for the day to remove his staff he sad he still needed to grab shirts etc, so i let him in he wont leave we get in argument i call 911 saying we r arguing and i cant take it ... the police comes to the house after me stating clearly i didnt need officers comming no more they enter my hose without me letting the,m in im there with my bf gettin along fine but i have only t shirt and underwear on i ask one officer why did he enter my house freerly and also ask him to turn around to put some pans on he refuses i get upset hes gettin more rude refuses give his name rude to my bf and finally he says thats it u charged with assulet and u commin with us my bf is freekin out omg what is going on...they get me to the police station and say that he was bleeding from mhis eye brow and that when i called i sad i hit im thats all they have well i didnt hit im in pushing around my ring scrached his eyebrow like lilttle blood give me a brake considering my injuries my bf doesnt give a statment begs them to let me out ... next morning i9 get out bail conditions cans see my bf
next week get cut with my bf put in jail since was sat night and no basil hearing in my city on sun my boyfirend and my family outside all this time not undertanding wats happning bein told im goin home a big lie to trick me to press charges against my bf still no statment form, him they cant get cause they r the ones with a problem mon get out bail cant c my bf court date march 31st what to do
my bf wants do something like go to the judge write a letter ...
we been treated really bad not helped the police is pressing charges with no evidence wat to do help first offense great job daughter HELP :angel
Okay, let me get this straight.

You called the cops.

They came.

They did their job.

What's the problem?
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