Charged with hunting at night and a felony please help

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I was a back seat passenger in a truck. The driver was a friend of mine giving me a ride home after a party. The decision was made to stop and shine a deer and shoot at it on the way. Here's where it gets tricky.

The driver instead of shooting what he thought was a deer was actually a house light. The bullets he shot went through someone's house. Thank god no one was injured.

There were 4 people in the vehicle. 2 in the front two in the back of an extended cab truck. 1 firearm was used and the driver freely admits to being the one who fired the shots. The passenger in the front seat admits he was the one shining the deer. The passengers in the back had nothing to do with this action and have NEVER hunted before. I was one of these.

They took everyone in Saturday night. We were granted the ability to bond out Monday at 7pm.

Here are the charges
Hunting at night
Hunting from a motor vehicle
Hunting while intoxicated (I blew a 0.05)
Crim Damage 2nd Degree 16-7-23
Misuse of Firearm 16-11-108(a)
Discharge of Firearm 16-11-104

Everyone had a few to drink. The passenger (female) in the back was not breathalyzed, after admitting to drinking. She was underage. Everyone else was. The passenger blew all 0's. The driver blew a small amount. The female and male that blew 0's were not charged with hunting while intoxicated. The driver and I were. Other than that all charges were the same for everyone.

I as the person in the backseat who don't even hunt and had nothing to do with this action have been charged with all. The driver has said he would testify to this. The investigating officer knows this and said it would help me. I'm curious where I'm at here. How can I be guilty of any of them?
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