Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Charged with Petite Larceny and Scared...

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New Member
I'm 19 years old and was recently arrested for shoplifting at a Walmart while visiting Ulster County, New York. I was charged with petite larceny and now have a court date for April 13.The sum of the things I tried to steal was less than $30. This is my first offense.

I was with 4 other girls, who also all got charged with petite larceny. One was also charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, and she is the only one with the same court time/date as me. Will I be trialed with her? Will her UPM affect my court outcome?

I cannot afford a lawyer, I am a college student. I cannot tell my parents, for various reasons. Is it worth it to ask for a public defender?

Will this permanently stain my clean record/prevent me from applying to graduate school/getting a job in the future?

This was a horrible, stupid thing to do, and I deeply regret it. I am scared to death of what may happen at court. It kills me to know I may have ruined my future. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
As the saying goes "The man who defends himself in court has a fool as a client" Yes you need a Lawyer even if that Lawyer is a Public Defender. Whether or not you can qualify or if Diversion is available this Lawyer will know. They are not available everywhere. You should not be tried with your friend. When you go to court plead not guilty and request a Public Defender. When you meeet with this PD ask him/her if Diversionis available in your case
Admin, thank you for the advice. It has been insightful, however, I now have new questions...

I called the court house that my case will be at today and inquired about Public Defenders. She said that although I was 19, it would be necessary for my parents to attend with me because I live with them when I am not living at school, which makes them responsible for me. She said that they would have to sign something in order for me to get a Public Defender and even if I didn't ask for a Public Defender, if I show up alone the judge might ask me to return with my parents.

Why is this? Honestly, there is no way I can tell my parents. My father has Multiple Sclerosis for over 30 years and the stress would be way too hazardous to his health and my mother is his primary care giver and wouldn't even be able to take time away from caring for him to go upstate for my court date.
I cannot say why they said that. I suspect that because you live with them, thier income might come into play as well to see if you can get a PD. I cannot say for sure
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