Cheapest Easiest Way to add someone to title

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What is the cheapest and the easiest way to add someone to a title without having to refinance the house.

I just need to add someone's name to the house?

What is the cheapest and the easiest way to add someone to a title without having to refinance the house.

I just need to add someone's name to the house?


You are confused.

Financing/refinancing does not add anyone to the title of land.

If you want someone else on title, you need to hire a real estate lawyer to draw up a deed of conveyance.

Keep in mind that if you do this and the land is already mortgaged, that may violate the terms of the mortgage and make the whole thing come due all at one time.
I would be very wary in doing this. Without this persons name on the mortgage, you do realize that they do not have to pay any part of this mortgage, yet they still have rights to the house? If this relationship severs, good luck on getting them back off the deed to the house.
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