child accused her father of sexual abuse....

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New Member
Father physical custody i have secondary custody. Joint legal custody. Our daughter recently made accusations that he jas been molesting her... the state has placed her in my home for further investigations.. i want to get full custody of her and keep her with me. I have no money for a lawyer and am going to attempt to file a temp. Custody and protection order with the court. Im wondering do i have a chance to get full custody on my own or can he fight it even though he has a no contact order against him issued by dfcs.... advice please
You need a lawyer. You can't do this pro se. You might consult a social services agency, church social services agency, state social services or child protection agency, county prosecutor, or county/state victims advocacy services, minster, rabbi, imam, spiritualist, child's school psychologist (for guidance), or try it your way.

An accusation must be proven, not just uttered.

The accused has constitutional protections, like it or not, due process must flow.

This should not be about anyone that loves the child seeking to own the child, but seeking HELP for this child.

Proceed as you choose, but I'd be MORE interested in seeing to the child's mental and physical health first, before seeking satisfaction of my own wishes and desires.

I'd want whatever experts and my heart believes is best for the child, but first and foremost I'd want the child to be healed and loved, while we ALL seek to learn the truth!

But, I've always been different.
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