My sons father and I have Joint Custody, 50/50 straight down the middle. We have had joint custody for 3 years now. My son goes to school in Compton. I live and work in Los Angeles. The commute is terrible. We have to wake up at 5am to get him to school on time, we dont get home until 7pm. There is nothing stating he has to go to this particuler school in the court order. He just countnued to go. His father and I had to buy him books this school year we agreed he would buy half and I would buy half. He still hasnt bought his half of the books which has inpacted my sons grades. Taking my some back and forth to Compton for school has created a financial hardship for me. My son doesnt even like going to that school. I tried to talk to his dad about him living with me so I can enroll him in a school in my neighborhood during the school week and visiting with him on the weekends, he says for some reason he cant agree to this. My son is very unhappy. He has gotten to the point where he doesnt want to go to his fathers house. He crys when its time for him to go over there. He is only eight years old. Is he able to decide where he wants to live. What can I do to enroll him in school closer to my home. He has a younger sibling in my home as well, he tells me all the time he wants to go to the same school his brother goes to. I hate to see my son cry, i just want him to thrive and be happy.