Child injured at school by bully

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My child was injured at school by a bully that has been harassing him since last year. I wrote emails and called the school after every incident. A couple of days ago the nurse at school told me to come in - she had my child in the office - hurt. I went to school and to him to the emergency room. Bones were not broke in his finger but the doctor was concerned with the ligements, tendons and muscles. He wants my child to see a ortho and gave me some numbers. I called and no one would see my son for lack of insurance and/or lack of hundreds of dollars for a down payment just for looking. Question is - who pays the bills? The agressive childs parents? The school for lack of properly taking care of the matter throughout the year? We made a police report and the agressive child is being put into some program says the police. The school has removed the agressive child from the bus and have altered this childs school schedule to keep any more violence at bay. The school is also having the agressive child walk with a monitor when not in classes (hall, ect).
Where do I go from here?

Thank you in advance.
Hire a personal injury attorney like...yesterday!!! Best of luck to you!
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