Criminal Records, Expungement child molester trying to get child's records

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My ex is being investigated for child molestation. I left him because he was abusive, I had no idea he was doing this other horrible thing. My oldest confided in a counselor what had happened. The court order is that he can't see the kids until this investigation is complete, but he can call them. He tries to manipulate them when he calls. He is now trying to get transcripts from their counselor - the counselor doesn't want to provide them. We feel they need to feel safe in order to recover. Their father had threatened to kill all of us if they ever "told". The law gives him the right to get those transcripts. Is there anything I can do to stop him?

I appreciate any help I can get, to help my children.
What State are you in?

You should get a family law attorney immediately.

The court order is that he can't see the kids until this investigation is complete, but he can call them.

That's idiotic. Even if allowed to call, someone else should always be on the line, like Protective services. Can you monitor the calls so that when he calls you can just ignore him?
Sorry, I'm in Wisconsin. I do have an attorney. I don't think he's always aggressive enough. He said since the counselor doesn't want their father to get the records, let their legal department deal with it. He knows my financial situation, I understand he's trying to save me as much as he can but I want to be fully prepared. If anyone has some advice, I'd appreciate it a lot.
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