The custodial parent of my children that I have 50% custody of, moved them over an hour away making it impossible for me to excessive my visitation because of school schedule and expense of travel. I filed a modification before custodial parent moved for geographic restriction, however CP moved anyway. The original parent child modification gives the custodial parent the right to move within a contiguous county away, so she did not violate that. However, I was no longer able to exercise my possession with my children due to the distance and was forced into mediation. Custodial parent refused any transportation help back and forth. I agreed to a schedule that kept the children off the road in mediation, only for their safety and emotional benefit, and my financial relief of travel. Prior to mediation we had a temporary orders hearing. She filed a motion for continuance for that court date, due to a work obligation that required her to be at work during that time, signed by her supervisor. Because she is a city employee, I was able to request open record of her work attendance. She was not in attendance during the time stated it was required.
She has now filed for a jury demand which is not scheduled until April 2014 or later. That would be 1 yr. and 8 months, since I originally filed for geographic restriction that the custodial parent has been able to get away with this.
However, because I've already signed temporary orders during mediation a month ago, can I do anything?
She has now filed for a jury demand which is not scheduled until April 2014 or later. That would be 1 yr. and 8 months, since I originally filed for geographic restriction that the custodial parent has been able to get away with this.
However, because I've already signed temporary orders during mediation a month ago, can I do anything?