child support and court

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Hello - i had to take my ex back to court for not following the child support order in place, he was ordered to cover our son for medical and pay 300 a month, he choose to drop her from medical and pay 150 a month, in the beginning i had my son (granted full custody) then we decided our son would live with him, he asked me for 100.00 a month (not court ordered) in which i paid (he was remarried and had two incomes so he wasnt worried about money at the time, he was just glad to get the 300 a month back into his check. now 5 years later, our son is in my custody and he now wants to take me to court for not paying him child support. can he even do that???
I'm not sure that I understand your long, run on sentence. If there is an order to pay you child support then it should be he who owes you money and not the other way around. I'm confused by a number of things you wrote and perhaps you could slow down and explain everything a little more clearly.
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