Child Support and New Baby

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I have a question. Presently I am paying Child Support but I am expecting a new baby. Will I be able to petition to reduce my child support payment?
Q: I have a question. Presently I am paying Child Support but I am expecting a new baby. Will I be able to petition to reduce my child support payment?

A: Since you did not give any grounds for reducing your child support in your post, I would have to say no.
Depends on the state. Only a few allow a reduction for subsequent children. you need to google your states child support guidelines and see what they say.

Putting in for an increase is very likely to tick the CP off and cause you more problems. If she happens to put in for an increase, the new baby would likely offset it.
Depends on the state. Only a few allow a reduction for subsequent children. you need to google your states child support guidelines and see what they say.

Putting in for an increase is very likely to tick the CP off and cause you more problems. If she happens to put in for an increase, the new baby would likely offset it.

I can't believe that I am so DENSE!


Of course.

The guy gets a new baby which means the old baby will not need as much food or clothes.

I can't believe that I am so DENSE!


Of course.

The guy gets a new baby which means the old baby will not need as much food or clothes.


You know, though, in any family if a new baby comes along then you DO tend to spend out less on the older children. When you go from one baby to two babies then the first one gets fewer toys, less expensive clothes, etc... No one seems to get their knickers in a twist over THAT because it is common sense but let a father want to provide not ONLY for a child he is paying support on but also for children he and his current wife have and suddenly he is the victim. I guess *I* must be dense - maybe the subsequent children are supposed to starve and go naked?
Senior judge, most states require a parent to support all their kids. Having additional kids may not lower ones CS obligation, but his other kids should be considered before an increase if given. The CP of that first child also has to provide for the child as well.
Some states let you re-evaluate your child support every one to two years regardless of changes of circumstances. Look up your state's support guidelines. Mine can be done every two years (Michigan). Then you should be able to add the new addition.

Good Luck.
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