Child support and private scooling

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My husband has a daughter of which mother has full custody, him with visitation rights. He pays regularly, and in the child support order, is required to pay for half of all of his daughter's extra curricular activies on top of the regular child support payrment. His daughter has been doing poorly in school (3rd) grade, and my husband had received an email from his ex wife stating that she was considering enrolling the daughter in private school next school year. No information regarding where and how much was detailed in that email. In addition, he was not asked to pay any amount of that schooling at that time. My husband did not submit any response to that email. He just received a letter from his ex wifes attorney stating that he was not abiding by the child support agreement because he is to pay for all extra curricular activies. If not defined in the child support order, is he required to pay for this, or half of this, because technically this is not not "extra curricular" and he already pays weekly as well. I am not sure if this matters, but my husband has asked repeatedly for her to talk to him about her plans and intentions for their daughter, and she refuses, stating she has full custody and does not have consult with him about anything. Thank you for any input you can provide.
If the child's mother CHOOSES to enroll the child into a private (pay as you go) school, that's her choice.
From what you report about the custody and child support order, he isn't on the hook for that additional expense.
But, he needs a lawyer, because she has one.
It's been my experience, you get screwed if the other party retains cousel, and you don't.
In this case, he is only responsible for paying what the court order says.
The extracurricular part may have to be decided.
If mom enrolls the child in a Sylvan like program, that might be considered extracurricular by the court.
If it is,the dad might be in the hook for half of the cost.
That's why he needs a lawyer.
I don't consider tutoring an extracurricular activity, but the court might.
I suspect they'll be taking him back to court anyway, when she demands more money, and he refuses to hand it over.
He needs a lawyer, not a legal discussion site.
Thank you. The daughter has been attending a tutor once a week for the last few weeks, in which my husband pays half of that expense more than willingly. Is it realistic for him to be able to request that before she enrolls her daughter in activities that will be an expense to him/our family, that it at least be discussed with us prior to actual enrollment?
Thank you. The daughter has been attending a tutor once a week for the last few weeks, in which my husband pays half of that expense more than willingly. Is it realistic for him to be able to request that before she enrolls her daughter in activities that will be an expense to him/our family, that it at least be discussed with us prior to actual enrollment?

He may think it to be reasonable.

She may think it NOT to be reasonable.

Unfortunately, my opinion on this matter is of no moment, consequence, or import.

This is what one reaps when they have children and divorce, confusion, turmoil, and discord.

The only way to quiet this issue is in a court room, assuming the former spouse doesn't wish to have a discourse.

Please read my post above, and seek out an attorney.

If these two could FORMER SPOUSES had the ability to negotiate, one would not now be YOUR spouse.

The answer to this dilemma is in a court room.

Then, back to that court room when one of these geniuses refuses to do as a judge ordered.
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