Child Support Battle

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I have a 2 year old daughter with a man I was not married to. We have been in agreement since our daughter was born that he would pay me 300 dollars a month. Every month the money has been on time, even after he left for Korea with the Air Force. He recently got married in August, and since then his Child support has been 2 weeks late or more. His wife feels the need to give her opinion and advice to him about everything that goes on, and I feel she is the reason it is never on time any more. How do I go about suing him for child support through the Government instead of it coming out of his pocket. I would like it to come straight out of his check every month so I do not have to worry about it anymore. Every time I ask him about the child support I get yelled and cursed at by him and his wife. I try consulting him about out daughter and inform him of whats new with her and he refuses to listen to me and only bad mouths me to her. I really need to get this taken care of as quickly as possible....Also I need to make sure he hold insurance on her, since he did not carry insurance on her until after her 2nd birthday. I would also like for him to take care of all doctors bills that she might have in the past and now, he is only holding Tri Care on her and it does not cover all expenses for prescriptions and visits. If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so very much.- Marisa
You should be able to go to your states child support enforcement website and apply. If you want to order him to carry insurance you probably have to go to court but the military insurance is probably pretty good. Also any out of pocket medical is usually split. Unless you have an order that says he is to pay part of out of pocket you may not be able to get him to pay. That stuff is normally split 50/50. You do not have to talk to the wife, she is not legal party to anything. Why should he pay all out of pocket medical? That is not the way it usually works.
He certainly isn't going to have to pay all the "back" medical bills.
Reading your post it seems you two avoided court and made support arrangments on your own. Not wise. Is this man the "legal" Father? In other words did he sign the birth acknowledgment? Is he named as Father on birth certificate? Once we can establish he is Father we can go further in helping you
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