Child Support-but falsely charged

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My husband has a 15 yr old daughter. He has always paid child support to the mother from his own Will ever since the mom became pregnant. When the child was younger, around 4yrs old, the mom filed for government child support thinking she would get more from him through the courts. She received way less than what he was already paying. She received $50/mo when he was paying her $200+ as well as paying for ALL the child's living expenses (school pictures, sports clothing, groceries, etc) It took about a year for the courts to stop what she applied for. But the interest charges kept incurring until now and now the amount has reached about $50,000. If he doesn't pay it, he can't get his Driver's License renewed. They court said if the mom would sign and notarize a letter stating to release him of current and past monies and that he has always paid child support, they will only have him pay back the portion from that year she filed which is only about $4,000. The mom doesn't (may not) want to sign a form to release him of that bill. He only started saving receipts since we've
been together-31/2yrs. They will deduct what proof he has from the $4,000 if she signs or from the $50,000 if she doesn't sign. What can he do if she doesn't sign?
Dad needs to see an attorney. Was mom ever on government assistance? When you say government child support, do you mean welfare, or child support through the state bureau? If Dad was not paying through the bureau and paid her directly, then the arrears stack up. Did dad pay her cash or through checks? Stuff like this is often considered a gift.
I believe it's the Child Support thru the state. Dad has always paid mother directly and is in the child's life. Mother thought she could get more money thru CS from him and received a lot less ($50.00/wk) than what dad was paying. She was on CS for about a year (or it took a year for CS to stop her from receiving the money). She never told CS that he has been and always has paid her directly. So they kept adding interest. Now, about 10 years later, he can not renew license unless he takes care of this $50,000+ bill. If mom writes a letter stating that he has always paid, they will delete all charges. Mom May not write a letter in fear that she may get deported for lying. He only has current receipts and that's because I told him to start saving them when we met. If she does not write the letter, CS will deduct the amounts on the receipts which does not add up to $50,000.
So all mom has to do is tell the courts that dad paid her directly. If she was not on any sort of gov't assistance or medicaid then they probably will write it off. Again Dad needs to see an attorney to get mom to forgive the arrears if she really was paid.

NEVER EVER pay child support outside of the bureau for this reason exactly.
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