Child support for adopted children


New Member
Is there any case law or precedence set regarding child support for adopted children?

I have 4 adopted children. The mother is asking for child support from me in addition to the almost $3k she gets in an adoption subsidy. I am happy to provide for my children. I just hate the idea of giving the mother money. She has a long history of mismanaging money.

She filed for divorce a year ago. After a long and expensive mediation, we agreed on an amount for "child support". I have been paying her money directly for the last 10 months with out a court order.

I got a letter from the court saying that the case has been dismissed due to "no action". Was all the money I gave her a "gift"? What is my recourse?
Yes, any money paid to anyone or anything ABSENT a court order is legally a gift.

You can kiss those voluntary donations GOODBYE.

In the future, don't pay her anything directly, absent a valid, lawful court order.

I suggest you consult a divorce attorney tomorrow.

If you do decide to proceed with the divorce, make sure your lawyer educates you about paying child support.

Make sure you pay any such court mandated support to a sate agency responsible for collecting and disbursing the support.

Another legal option is to pay the support to the court, if so ordered.

As far as chid support, if the court orders it, it's for ALL children, related by DNA, or acquired by a LEGAL adoption.

Stepchildren aren't considered in that category, unless they're adopted.

Children adopted or birthed are the same in the eyes of the law.
Looks like you might still be married to this woman if the case has been dismissed for 'no action'. By adopting the children, you have been declared their legal father. That means that you get to pay child support if so ordered by the court, just as if your sperm had been utilized in their conception.
Never ever pay to the other person directly. It does not get counted by the state.

If you're not divorced yet, you better do it. If what she filed was dismissed then you file. File for custody.

Don't give her anything unless the court orders you to do so.

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