Child Support Fraud & ID Theft

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New Member
My question involves child support in the State of: CA

I recently received a letter verifying income for 2008 and 2009 because it is claimed that I am the father of two children in another county 3 hrs away. I was informed by the child support case agent that my SSN matches that which is listed on file as the father of two kids. In conversation with the agent she informed me that the case brought against me was suspicious because one of the kids was an illegal resident (non U.S. citizen) and that reportedly we are a married couple. I am not married, have never been married and am not the father nor have I fathered children before. What can I do in this matter? I do not want my wages garnished for something I did not do. I filed an identity fraud case in my district and am ready to bring a lawsuit against the woman. :(:mad:
My question involves child support in the State of: CA

I recently received a letter verifying income for 2008 and 2009 because it is claimed that I am the father of two children in another county 3 hrs away. I was informed by the child support case agent that my SSN matches that which is listed on file as the father of two kids. In conversation with the agent she informed me that the case brought against me was suspicious because one of the kids was an illegal resident (non U.S. citizen) and that reportedly we are a married couple. I am not married, have never been married and am not the father nor have I fathered children before. What can I do in this matter? I do not want my wages garnished for something I did not do. I filed an identity fraud case in my district and am ready to bring a lawsuit against the woman. :(:mad:

You really do have some serious ID theft issues. There is a woman posting on another site claiming that she is married to you:eek:
My question involves child support in the State of: CA

I recently received a letter verifying income for 2008 and 2009 because it is claimed that I am the father of two children in another county 3 hrs away. I was informed by the child support case agent that my SSN matches that which is listed on file as the father of two kids. In conversation with the agent she informed me that the case brought against me was suspicious because one of the kids was an illegal resident (non U.S. citizen) and that reportedly we are a married couple. I am not married, have never been married and am not the father nor have I fathered children before. What can I do in this matter? I do not want my wages garnished for something I did not do. I filed an identity fraud case in my district and am ready to bring a lawsuit against the woman. :(:mad:

Please post the FACTS both here and at the other site. DO NOT LIE to us or you will not get the help you (or the father) need.

Ok that's funny as hell. Busted!


Meet my friend Proserpina. She is a friend and 1/3 of the wonder triplets. Yours truly is the second third. I'm not sure if the third wonder triplet has come over to this playground yet:)
Who's the third? Is she on freeadvice, too???
Ah! Okay. I don't think I have seen her here, yet.
Yep, that's right I asked my current fiance to post on the site she frequents. Trying to get different POV from different sources. What a great board!!! Seriously!
Yep, that's right I asked my current fiance to post on the site she frequents. Trying to get different POV from different sources. What a great board!!! Seriously!

Current fiance:o??? I'll take that to mean there will be future ones ~ :eek:. So much for til death do us part:nuts
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