Child support in texas

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My boyfriend and I need to get his child support lowered. I was told that we needed a temporary order to reduce child support and to file a motion to reduce child support. I have spent several hours in the law library in the county courthouse and looked through hundreds of forms. Could someone tell me which form it is that I need to lower child support in Texas?
First of all, HE needs to do it, not you.

Also why do you think he should get lower support? If he has a lower paying job (not voluntarily), has more custody and time with the kids, or if he has had subsequent children, then he might have a shot.

Has he tried calling child support enforcement for help? How long has it been since the order has been in effect or changed?
Have him call either his support office or clerk's office and ask how to file pro se. Or have him write a letter and ask child support office how to file pro se.

You can only have child support changed if the there is circumstances like less pay, more visitation time with children, subsequent children, etc.

If he owes back support or isn't paying on time, you'll likely not have anything changed. It makes him look bad to the court.

Good Luck,
Girl I know what you mean. The only thing I did to get child support lowered in Texas was to call the attorney general and ask them to send a packet in the mail for decreasing child support. We got it lowered because we had another child and he was paying 306.00 a month for one child:)
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