Child Support in TX

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Hi all. I've decided to come here because it is obvious that the organizations that are suppose to help me really don't care. I was told recently that if the arrears are more than $500 then Income tax returns can be withheld. I called the AG's office and asked what I needed to do in order to have that set into motion and they said that it is done automatically but that they didn't know if they'd received payment!?!? I wondered why one would expect payment if the "payment" had already been garnished (I have not received any money from his tax return in the last 3 years)!?! I was also read to from a piece of paper of FAQ. The second woman I spoke to, when I asked for general information regarding this, repeated to me several times, "it is a federal offense to give out income tax information". My concern is that there have been other people who have had this sort of thing put in to effect... so, who told them what to do?? And where can I get that person's number?? I don't want to violate any federal laws but I really wonder why there concern for my rights and my daughter's rights aren't equal to their concern for his rights! Sorry for the soapbox. If anyone knows where I can find this information I'd really appreciate it.

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