I owe my sons father close to17,000. total over a 15 year time, He has agreed to sign off on the past and current support owed , I had a court appointed attorney who retired , How do I go about saving the courts time and everyone involved. the papers drawn and a meeting to sign is if possible all that needs to be done. thank you so much 4 your time jody hayes Louisburg,ks
Do you owe the $17K for child support?
Are you trying to get the $17K forgiven, as in making the debt disappear?
The $17K you mentioned is part of a divorce decree that you now want amended, right?
If the father ever utilized state or federal benefits for the child (ie... food stamps, health insurance, etc) that is almost impossible, with a few exceptions.
Getting the decree amended isn't that difficult.
But, that won't erase the child support that someone owes.
You might wish to offer a few more details, or not.
I suggest you discuss this with two or three local family law attorneys.
The initial consultation is normally offered at no charge.
Once you've had those discussions, you'll have a better understanding of what can and can't be accomplished.