Child support problem

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i have been back and forth with my childs father on this child support thing, i live in virginia, the commonwealth state, anyway in 2005 my childs father denied paternity so child support stepped in after it was proven that he was the father, he was court ordered to pay 153 per month and has not paid anything. I filed a motion to show cause which it has to be done in two parts. First part giving the father a chance to resolve all issues, meaning make some type of agreement with me. We came up with a reasonable solution, now he is in the arrears 6,000 and his license has been suspended and his credit is jacked, not my fault. anyway i told him i would remove the arrears if he signed an agreement stating that he would pay me that amount ordered by the judge. He paid me 153 last month, but that did not go through DCSE so the courts would consider it a gift. He sent me numerous crazy text msgs saying that he never wanted a child with me and he was not paying anything, so now i have to go file the second part which is the contempt part. 153 is not much to ask for. He is unemployed but he gets money, he has not made an attempt to even pay $20 over the course of 5 years, he just gave that 153, should i get a lawyer? what should i do about the text msgs? And would anything work out in his favor? He intentionally violated the court order so what can i go in the court room and say. I have tried to help him by removing the arrears, but now he is on the one time never again kick. Child support is already involved and they have not filed a motion to show cause, i am on my own.
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