My husband divorced his first wife seven years ago and began paying $800.00 per month in child support (two kids) according to his salary at the time. Last September he was fired from his job (good salary) and was unable to find work for about four months. He was employed in Feb. 2008 but with a salary reduction of almost 50%. His ex-wife filed with the courts to have the child support start again but nothing was brought up regarding his reduction of income. He in turn filed an appeal with the courts for a reduction. The judgement gives them 30 days to come to a new agreement or the courts will step in. She is mad that she will not be getting the same amount and wants to hire a lawyer to try and get more money. (State calculator says new amount will be around $550.00) He gave her the house when he left (brand new) so that the kids would have somewhere nice to live. She in turn refinanced and took on the outstanding $30,000 equity line. (This was not in the papers, just agreed upon by both parties.) The home appraised for almost $60,000 more than the construction price and could have been sold giving both a nice little profit. Does she have a case against him or is the amount based solely off income, etc? He also pays $224.00 a month for their health insurance.