Child Support Revision

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Have a question, I have an order in place for my two children. Now one has turned 18 and was wondering if I can get order reivised. I do owe arrears, but can the state continue the original order to pay for the arrears. Went through hard times, but have been current on payments for 4 years now. I am in Memphis, the kids are in Kansas. I would just like to have the order lowered a bit, getting harder and harder to make it. I have a new family now with a little girl. Not trying to back out of arrears, I know I am the one who made them, just trying to lower it a bit. I pay 564 a month from original order, was wondering if I can get it cut in half. Thanks in advance for any advice.
You can try to get your support lowered.

Speak to an attorney and discover your rights and options.
You can try to get your support lowered.

Speak to an attorney and discover your rights and options.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly would I need to have if I go to court and try and get it lowered? Also, Can I request a copy of the birth certificates from my ex, or do I have to get copies on my own through the state they were born in?
Just out of curiosity, what exactly would I need to have if I go to court and try and get it lowered? Also, Can I request a copy of the birth certificates from my ex, or do I have to get copies on my own through the state they were born in?

Talk to a lawyer. The initial consultation is often free. Ask him/her all of your questions. Don't get your hopes up too high. What you desire is hard to achieve. The lawyer will guide you.

The mother need not provide you with copies of your children's birth records. I suggest you order them through the state in which they were born.
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