child support wage garnishment

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I have been paying child support for about ten years now. I have one more year to go. Suffolk county child support has decided to garnish my wages even though I am all caught up with my child support. When I call them to find out why, no one seems to know why. They say I have a zero balance but yet they gave the order to garnish my pay. Is there any legal action I can take against them? Can I sue them?
Child support will probably be taken from your wages going forward to avoid any future arrearages.

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No, I'm not paying twice. As soon as I get paid,I go online to my bank and send out my child support. The bank usally takes about 6 days to send out the payment. Child support keeps telling me that I'm behind cause they haven't recieved the payment (even though I've made it). So now they started to garnish my wages. I feel like I haven't done anything wrong for them to start garnishing my wages. Just wanted to know if there was any legal recourse I could take against them.
Maybe I'm better off. This way I won't have to deal with the idiots that work at the suffolk county child support unit. Thanks for the advise.
No, you have no recourse. Garnishment actually protects all of you...not quite sure why you're objecting so strongly.

And be nice to the "idiots". They're underpaid, overworked and under-funded.
just feel like garnishment is something they do when you don't keep your end of the deal. And I've kept my end of it. Plus they always have a way of making me feel like dead beat dad when in fact I've always been there for my kids. Always done the right thing by them. Guess suffolk county child support just rubbed me the wrong way. Don't have any love for them.
It's really not a stigma. In fact, some states ONLY use garnishment for child support.

Love your kids - you don't have to love CSE :)
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