Child Support

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My 17yr old daughter has dropped out of high school wants to get her GED and go to Tech school. Currently my ex is paying child support according to our divorce papers. Which reads as follows:
Said payments shall begin upon the signing of this agreement, payable thereafter until the children reach the age of eighteen (18) years, die, marry, join the armed forces, or become self supporting, whichever occurs first. Provided, however, should the children still be attending high school when they reach the age of eighteen, the child support shall continue to be paid until the children graduate from high school, but not beyond the age of twenty (20) years.
From what I'm reading in the divorce papers he can stop paying support is this correct?
He is obligated to pay the support until 18 but that is it. Since she has dropped out of high school, probably cannot get child support extended past that.
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