child support

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I am a mother of 4 children. 2 live with me 2 live with their grandmother in Kentucky. I am in Penssylvania. My 2 children in kentucky are from a previous relationship. Long story short he is deceased but years ago took off with them and now grandmother has custody. There is a child support order against me to pay child support for them. The order is now enforced in Pennsylvania where i live. I have no problem paying support and have tryed to pay as much as I can which truly was'nt much. The problem is they are asking allot and i am unemployed and have been for 6 years. My back child support is pileing up and I went for modification to have it lowered and they raised it instead. Ky is saying i have such and such income when i do not. I have very little. They are saying i have no other obligations which i do i have 2 children whom live with me. one of which has autism and the only income i recieve is his ssi. I am attending college online to better all of our lives and fear I may go to jail for failure to pay full child support and will not be able to accomplish this. I am afraid for my other two children to have me taken away and sit in a cell somewhere because i can't get help from anyone. What can i do? I know not the laws or where to turn. How can i have this lowered to something i can afford. Can you help please.
The court is obviously under the impression that you're voluntarily unemployed and have imputed you an income based upon (at the very least) minimum wage.

When was the last time you tried to modify? Was it in KY? What income ARE they saying you have?
You have kids to support so you cannot remain unemployed. You need to get some sort of employment. It is unfair to your kids that you do not financially support them. Are you married now? Either way Time to ask the father of your kids for help in watching these 2 kids so you can work. If the kids are in school you should be working during that time and taking the classes when you can.
The last time i did the modification was in december of just last year. I did the modification here in Penssylvania but they told me it was up to Kentucky to make the decision. They are saying my income is like 1300 dollars per month. One paper is telling me to send my payments through Pa and the other paper says to send them through Ky . I have so many papers and I don't know what any of them mean the newest stateing that i'm not in compliance with my order and enforcement actions will be taken if failure to respond in 20 days.
I understand this. you don't think i don't allready know this. It is not easy to get a job where i live and especially when you have no drivers liscence or vehicle. And no help out there. My children should not even be where they are. He ran off with them i was not unfit or anything and now i am being punished and he is not here today to prove my point. I am not a dead beat or anything like that I am trying and am sending something and i buy gifts and cards and am very much involved in their lives as much as i can be.
It's too early to request another modification at this point anyway.

Sorry - but you have to find a way of supporting your kids.
Gifts and cards are a waste of your money.
The court only considers money paid pursuant to a court order or through the state.

Stop sending cards and gifts.

Start complying with the court's directives.

If you continue to ignore the courts demands, you'll go to jail.

You'll lose the two kids you do have, too!

Find a way, or come up with a better excuse, or they will put you away.
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