Child Support

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In 2005, the judge order an arrears of $9,950 in child care that when in the status of Enforcement. since the order was made I couldn't afford to pay this ammount. Since, then my child support when up to $27,671.84 Total Arrears owed in child support for three years. But, I have a dougt, my summary of support account statement indicated Arrears Obligation zero and current obligation is $436.95 semi-monthly totalling $873.90 monthly but i am umemployee for 9 month but the final order of support made on 2007 does not indicated any arrears owned.

What can I do this case? what the judge will impose to the order of support?
It's entirely possible that the statement doesn't include the child-care arrears.

Plus, it's entirely possible that neither Mom nor the State have actually obtained an order of actual arrears owed during the past 9 months.

The Judge can do one of several things; you can lose your license and eventually be jailed for criminal non-payment of support.

Have you ever tried to modify the order based upon you (presumably) involuntary unemployment?
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