Other Debt child support

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I collect Supplemental Security Income and food stamps cause I am disabled that prevents me from being able to work. I have no property, or assets, or anything of value. What law authorizes the Dept. Of Rev. Child Support, to request child support from me?
I collect Supplemental Security Income and food stamps cause I am disabled that prevents me from being able to work. I have no property, or assets, or anything of value. What law authorizes the Dept. Of Rev. Child Support, to request child support from me?

It's under federal and state law, but it won't be enforceable against you.
Your income source, SSI, can't be touched to satisfy such claims.
It's exempted by federal law.
If it were reguar social insecurity funds, the government could take 15% of it to satisfy the debt. In your case, they can't touch even 1% of it.

So, you get to legally avoid and evade paying support towards the support of your children.
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