child support

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My 17 yr old son got his 19 yr old girlfriend pregnant and now wants her to sleep over 7 notes a week. I said no so he went to live with his dad who allows it. My child support stopped and I can't work due to having cancer. Can my exx just stop child support?
Was the CS court ordered? If so, he cannot simply stop paying without changing the court order.
My 17 yr old son got his 19 yr old girlfriend pregnant and now wants her to sleep over 7 notes a week. I said no so he went to live with his dad who allows it. My child support stopped and I can't work due to having cancer. Can my exx just stop child support?

If you believe he owes you child support, pursuant to a court order, you could go back to court to attempt to have the judge make him pay.

Some people hire a debt collection agency to collect court ordered support.

Most people simply contact their state child support agency to have them collect the money owed.

Here's a link for the RI agency:

They also offer tips about collecting CS. Read it, because you might see stuff helpful to you.
Contact them, they'll get your money, if an order exists.
They also help establish such an order.

Sorry to hear you're having a medical problem.
Ask your medical provider what programs exist to help people.
Your state social services might also be a good place to start asking.
Your son will soon reach majority, so the sooner you seek a permanent solution the better for you.
I pray your health and life improves. God bless.

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Thanks for the advice. My son was diagnosed with bipolar at 13.. Wouldn't take the meds I was finding the pills in draws , coat pockets high school he got into Drama club and all was right in his world! He loved it! Marks went up in school..TILL I found out the teacher was taking him out to dinner after practice alone...( I allowed him to go , thinking the whole drama club was going),the teacher would get drunk and cry to my son...! My son didn't tell me Anything until the teacher rubbed his leg on the way home. When I found out I brought it to the schools attention who said I gave my permission for my son to go...therefore nothing could be son started going into a depression after he no longer could take drama classes... He loved to act!! Last summer he wasn't coming home every night
Then got caught shop lifting and that brought DCYF into our lives...every month he had to go to court for a follow up....and in June told his social worker he wanted to live with his father who never spent time with his son in the 11 years we were divorced...but he told my son he would allow his girlfriend to live with then if my son lived with my son made me into a monster and being such a good "actor" the social worker and dcyf believed him...
Then got caught shop lifting and that brought DCYF into our lives...every month he had to go to court for a follow up....and in June told his social worker he wanted to live with his father who never spent time with his son in the 11 years we were divorced...but he told my son he would allow his girlfriend to live with then if my son lived with my son made me into a monster and being such a good "actor" the social worker and dcyf believed him...

You can talk with a lawyer and request that he seek a court hearing to see that the custody order is enforced.
Or, you can concentrate on getting better and deal with your cancer.
Your son is a little ungrateful in my view. But, very few 17 year olds aren't.
Whatever choices you make, I wish you well.
Then got caught shop lifting and that brought DCYF into our lives...every month he had to go to court for a follow up....and in June told his social worker he wanted to live with his father who never spent time with his son in the 11 years we were divorced...but he told my son he would allow his girlfriend to live with then if my son lived with my son made me into a monster and being such a good "actor" the social worker and dcyf believed him...

Hang on - why were DCYF involved? More importantly, what did they find to be the truth?
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