Child Support


New Member
I have a daughter that I do see and I am forced to pay child support on her, the mother and her relatives has said so bad things about me that my daughter hates me. I have tried to interact with my daughter but she plays her mom against me and lies on me. There was instance where she accused a young man of molesting her. This was not true after her mom and I investigated the allegations.So finally I have removed myself from this situation because I am afraid if she gets upset with me she possibly say I touched or molested her. What can I do? Is there a law to protected me as a father.
I have a daughter that I do see and I am forced to pay child support on her, the mother and her relatives has said so bad things about me that my daughter hates me. I have tried to interact with my daughter but she plays her mom against me and lies on me. There was instance where she accused a young man of molesting her. This was not true after her mom and I investigated the allegations.So finally I have removed myself from this situation because I am afraid if she gets upset with me she possibly say I touched or molested her. What can I do? Is there a law to protected me as a father.

I can't tell you what to do.
If I faced a situation such as you describe, I'd simply pay the court referred support until she becomes an adult.
I'd also stay as far away from her and her mammy as I could.
I'd never visit the child, nor would I ever allow the little, lying brat into my home.
No way would I put myself in a position to be falsely accused of ANY crime.
Yes its called alienation of affection. talk to your Lawyer and bring issue up in court

This is absolutely not alienation of affection. That describes a situation where the spouse looks to sue a third party for breaking up a marriage. It has nothing at all to do with child custody. Are you confusing it with something else?

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