SO with them both having the same rights to the child, she can have him but he has to go to court to see the child which will only cost more money to file for visitation in family Court and she gets almost 400 dollars every month, I'm not understanding how one parent has more rights than the other when they never been to court?
What I'm about to tell you is the law.
It doesn't represent opinion, it's merely fact.
Men who father children out of wedlock have no parental rights, just the obligation to pay child support.
Women who birth children out of wedlock are vested with all of the parental rights to the children passing from her womb.
If the unmarried male wishes to establish visitation, he must go to court, prove paternity via DNA testing, and request visitation.
He'll rarely get custody, because the court is concerned (as both the male and female both should be, too) with what is best for the child.
As long as mom is properly caring for the child, the court won't overturn the baby buggy.
The ONLY shared custody is between a husband and wife for a child born out of their marriage.
If the couple is divorced, one will be named primary, becoming more equal than the other.
I could go on boring you (and myself) but if your friend wants visitation, he must go to court in DC, petition a judge, a hearing will be held, a judge will decide.
Why DC?
Because the period where AL had jurisdiction over the child has lapsed, and now such jurisdiction is vested in DC.
I suggest if your friend has more questions, he consult a lawyer near him.
Eventually, should he seek visitation, he'll need to retain a lawyer in DC.