Child Visitation

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New Member
I share custody of my son with my ex. He gets him three weekends out of every month. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th. I have him on the 1st weekend. The judge said that our weekends start Friday at 6:00 p.m. and end Sunday at 9:00 p.m.. This month I planned a trip to the snow on my only weekend with my son. Since the 1st is on a Saturday this month, I thought that my weekend was next week, when I could finally get a full weekend with him. Is this the case or is this weekend mine even though the first of January is a Saturday?
These situations have potential to get ugly when parents dont work together. The court does not wish to get involved in these petty matters. Talk to other parent see if something can be worked out maybe exchange weekends this month or the like. easier to resolve these issues outside of court
You answered your own question.

The visits begin on Friday.

They end on Sunday.

As Jacksgal said, you have to cooperate.
your problem appears to be unaccounted for in your visitation order. What you have is a 5th weekend that begins in December. January 7 is the beginning of the 1st weekend in January.

You and the ex need to come to an agreement on how to handle this. If he refuses the visitation you can't force him to take it. Maybe you can find a family member to babysit for a couple days while you are away?
Thanks for advice, it is a petty matter . the ex thinks our son does not ever need to go to the snow again because he went once already. Dealing with unreasonableness so I just wondered if there was a definite answer so he wont argue.
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